What if I told you that the wine of Space tastes much better than the one of the Earth? And that in the near future, more than we think, we will not depend on the beautiful days of Sun to have renewable energy in large quantities from our star? Or even that the next industrial revolution will not be here on Earth? No, I’m not talking about pure science fiction, I’m just referring to some of the potential that space economy holds at this moment. The New Space Era we are living is defined by a cheaper and easier access to space.

The heavy investment required to advance a space project is undeniable, and yet, never has the space industry been so democratized for the average citizen. We see a growing number of startups and private companies in the sector, and organizations with funds willing to finance innovative projects, as is the case of ESA Space Solutions. The space conquest is no longer limited to the governments of the great nations of the United States, China or Russia, and it is now taking the next step in scientific and technological evolution.
We can see an increasing number of daily activities or banal objects that we use in everyday life, and which were previously developed to facilitate the life of the crew of astronauts in Space, such as wearable health monitors, or memory foam.

So, there is an opportunity in space for everyone. ” I am not from the space science area” is no excuse anymore! Sectors such as agriculture, energy or insurance are already anticipating the Space as a distinctive factor to improve the profitability of their businesses in a sustainable way. But there will be many more opportunities to discover for those who are curious, autonomous, audacious, and proactive, to let themselves embark on this Space voyage of discovery of the celestial ocean.
The potentialities are immense, and are not limited, or restricted, to the exact sciences or engineering. In fact, what is needed above all is creativity, imagination, and a (great perhaps) dose of patience, to see projects written on paper (one day considered too ambitious, or even unrealistic) be transformed into something real with the help of science and a team of people from different areas of study, with various inputs to share. The Coimbra Space Summer School 2024 (CSSS24) is the event indicated to embark and dive (or better said, take off) in this experience. It is with pride that I am involved in this event. I graduated in International Relations, with a passion for project management and the practical implementation of innovative ideas, which was what led me to enter the master’s degree in management. It is with excitement that I see this project taking shape for the 10th consecutive time, with a program that guarantees to combine two of the best topics of today: entrepreneurship and Space. In fact, throughout the event we will have advice conferences – how to make our business idea differentiating? how should we present it? – and mentors to guide the teams in formalizing their business idea. Knowledge about the stars also has a privileged place, with speakers of remarkable background who will share their passion in this fascinating area, inspiring the participants to also be enchanted by the wonders of the celestial vault and the countless possibilities it hides.
In an increasingly connected world, multidisciplinary knowledge has become indispensable. The problems that arise are more extensive and complex, requiring a quick and accurate response. Teamwork, focus, “thinking outside the box”, and persistence are more necessary than ever. The CSSS24 is the opportunity to develop and put into practice these skills. In fact, the event begins by presenting current challenges to which the teams formed by the participants should be able to respond from the elaboration of a business proposal. This event is looking for participants from different fields of study, from aeronautical engineering to sociology, from mathematics to biology, with various degrees of training: graduate, researcher, or even entrepreneur.
We believe that it is this diversity and multidisciplinary views that contribute to the genesis of bold and transformative projects. Collaboration is undoubtedly essential for innovation and success, and the Coimbra Space Summer School 2024 is the event that will allow you to broaden your horizons of wisdom and, who knows, that will make you develop the next great business idea.
The places in the spaceship for Coimbra Space Summer School are limited; don’t miss the opportunity, and embark on this adventure of exploring the world using space. Register now!
Maria Rita Ferreira,
Intern at the IPN Knowledge Valorisation and Innovation Department.